這朵紫玫瑰,編號是189號,我相信在下一朵紫玫瑰來臨的時候,我的世界,會成為全世界的世界。~小紫 小紫(梁文音 飾演)凝望著五星級飯店附屬PUB內狂熱演唱的的青梅竹馬~林諾(許亮宇 飾演),這個自組「未來人樂團」的掌聲稀落,卻阻擋不了小紫崇拜的目光,還有她特別用紙做成有編號的「紫玫瑰」,用最真摯的念力,祈禱林諾能打敗不懂得欣賞的大魔王。我的世界冰冷,唯一讓我感到溫度的,卻只是一個陌生女孩的電話留言,而她的留言裡面,原來也沒有我。~子達 這天,PUB來了一個新服務生~甯子達(黃騰浩 飾演),由小紫負責教導,外界蜚短流長的議論著甯子達的背景,小紫仗義直言,意外揭開子達的身世實情,卻也讓子達對小紫另眼相待。看著這個天真傻氣的女孩,追逐著不屬於她的男孩,還做著一朵朵編號紫玫瑰,子達心靈的銅牆鐵壁,透露出一絲暖意。誰存在,誰消失,都與我無關;只有你,必須存在於我的守護,必須消失於他的離去。音樂,連結的是你與他。紫玫瑰,牽繫的是我愛你……小紫...
紫玫瑰 EP.1 紫玫瑰 EP.2 紫玫瑰 EP.3 紫玫瑰 EP.4 紫玫瑰 EP.5 紫玫瑰 EP.6 紫玫瑰 EP.7紫玫瑰 EP.8 紫玫瑰 EP.9 紫玫瑰 EP.10 紫玫瑰 EP.11 紫玫瑰 EP.12 紫玫瑰 EP.13大結局 Chocolate ...
No other food invokes such intense reactions as does this cacao - derived fare.

Whether we are talking about dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or semisweet chocolate, and whether it winds up as a cake, a cookie, candy, a brownie, ice cream, a pie, or as a drink, the passion for this stuff extends way beyond its flavor aspects and ventures into the psychological realm.
"Sensuous", "decadent", & "sinful" are just a few of the adjectives used to describe chocolate.
Are we eating a candy bar here or engaging in some sort of illicit affair?
Although chocolate has not yet been targeted by D.A.R.E., people do seem to prone to developing a compulsion for it. While not dismissing the appeal of other flavors, there are no wide-spread accounts of vanilla addiction...no one leaves the snug confines of their home at midnight to satisfy an insatiable craving for butterscotch.

To top it all off, the health benefits of the flavanol rich Dark Chocolate have been well documented. Studies have shown that the cocoa phenols present in the dark variety resulted in a lowering of blood pressure